Pardonable Lies [Audiobook Review]

TitlePardonable Lies
Author: Jaqueline Winspear
Narrator: Orlagh Cassidy
Genre: Historical Mystery
Pages: 384
Audio: 10.3 hours
Year: 2005
Publisher: Macmillan Audio
Source: Library
Book Rating: 4/5
Audio Rating: 5/5


In this third Maisie Dobbs novel, Maisie is called upon to discover what really happened to Ralph Lawton as well as her old college friend, Priscilla’s, brother, both presumed dead during WWI. But along the way, she finds herself in danger and begins to question her mentor, Maurice Blanche.

My Thoughts:

I have some mixed feelings with this one. I continue to adore Maisie and listening to these books have become a real treat. And I actually think the mystery in this one is my favorite so far. But I also felt like some of the connections were too convenient. The world seems awfully small in Maisie’s universe, with everyone already somehow knowing everyone else. Winspear may not be going for “realistic” but there is only so much I can accept without getting a bit cynical.

That said, I really did enjoy Pardonable Lies. Part of the reason I like these books is the character development that Maisie goes through each time. She seems so put together at first, but deep down she is troubled. Somehow, her work and her personal life always become intertwined so that solving one will solve the other.

As always, I look forward to the next installment.

Audiobook Thoughts:

Three books, three different narrators. Thankfully, they have all been good. And I believe I get to stick with Orlagh Cassidy for the remainder of the series (at least as it exists now). Some of the pronunciations changed in this one due to the change in narrator, but overall, the narrator substitutions haven’t affected my enjoyment of the series.

One thought on “Pardonable Lies [Audiobook Review]

  1. Jen - Devourer of Books June 22, 2012 / 11:21 am

    I think with the connections Maisie has and the circles that some of them move in the world actually IS sort of small for her.


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