Goodbye…for Now

Today I am making official something that has been unofficial: I am taking a little break from this blog. And, largely, from reading.

I am not posting with any regularity, nor am I reading with any regularity. I am finding that parenting a toddler is a lot more time consuming than parenting a baby was and it just keeps getting busier. I also just feel busier in general. I am away from home 2-3 nights a week. I only have so much free time in my life (8pm-10pm, basically, on nights I am actually home) and I would rather spend this time with Ben, even if it is just watching Netflix together, rather than isolating myself with a book or my computer.

I hope to be back in the new year. I am hoping that if I let myself off the hook for a few weeks then I will be reenergized. Maybe it will happen sooner and I’ll be back for some year-end posts (not much to wrap up this year though). Maybe it won’t happen and I’ll extend the break.

I really appreciate all of you who read this blog. Especially those of you who stuck with me this year as I ran out of steam. I will continue to be around on twitter and instagram and maybe I’ll post some bookish thoughts on the blog’s facebook page.

To all of you: Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Holidays. Enjoy this season with your friends and family.

17 thoughts on “Goodbye…for Now

  1. Sandy November 23, 2014 / 9:28 am

    I think we are all running out of steam. I don’t want to be a negative Nelly, but things don’t get simpler the older they get. Sleepovers and play dates, sports, after-school activities, homework…not to mention just the act of raising a kid. They begin to get ideas and a mind of their own, their own lives, they start driving and dating, and ACK! So whatever you do, trust me, we understand. There was a period of time when my kids were younger and when I worked that I NEVER READ A BOOK. That is just the way things are. Whenever you pop in and give us some pictures, or update us, I’ll be happy to see you!


    • Michelle November 23, 2014 / 6:35 pm

      Thanks, Sandy. I know everyone will understand. I just wish I could figure out how to make it all fit.


  2. Bryan G. Robinson November 23, 2014 / 11:21 am

    I’m sorry to hear this, of course, but I understand where you’re coming from…and look forward to seeing posts whenever, and if, you decide to post them.


    • Michelle November 23, 2014 / 6:36 pm

      Thanks, Bryan.


  3. SuziQoregon November 23, 2014 / 11:25 am

    As Bryan said – I’m sorry to read this but I totally understand. Life just gets too busy. You’ll still be in my feed reader so whenever you feel like posting I’ll be here.

    Glad you’ll still be around on Twitter and Instagram.


    • Michelle November 23, 2014 / 6:36 pm

      Thanks! You know I’ll never leave twitter. πŸ˜‰


  4. Trish November 23, 2014 / 12:17 pm

    Totally understand. I go through phases where it all seems to come easily and then others where it just feels like scheduling and work. And like you, most nights I just want to veg on the couch with Scott watching Netflix rather than be holed up in the bedroom reading (I can’t read while the TV is on). The girls are starting to be at an age where they can keep themselves busy (together), but it does come with a price of ALL THE STUFF EVERYWHERE. Will continue to catch up with you on all the other social forums.


    • Michelle November 23, 2014 / 6:37 pm

      Thanks, Trish. I’m always impressed with how you are able to keep up with your blog.


  5. Anita November 23, 2014 / 2:41 pm

    I will miss your updates, but I guess I keep up fairly well on twitter and instagram. I’ll be honest when my girls were young and I was still working full time I had very little time for anything. I didn’t really read, I just sort of kept my life and family together and watched them growing up too fast!! Blogging, reading, etc will be here when you want it. E will not stop changing or growing….enjoy!


    • Michelle November 23, 2014 / 6:38 pm

      Thanks. You’ll still see me around. πŸ™‚


  6. Meghan November 23, 2014 / 4:05 pm

    I don’t have a child myself but I can totally understand where you’re coming from. It’s hard to keep up when your real life picks up and you don’t have as much time to yourself. I hope the break revitalizes you. You’re still in my feed reader, so I’ll still be reading when you come back!


    • Michelle November 23, 2014 / 6:38 pm

      Revitalization is what I am hoping for!


  7. Heather November 23, 2014 / 4:33 pm

    I totally understand what you’re going through and I don’t even have a toddler to chase after! I feel like I’m insanely busy with work, social stuff, family, husband, pets, etc., etc. Even without kids it’s a struggle to get everything done and focus on what’s most important so I know it’s a whole new level of difficult when kids are in the mix. I know we’ll still keep in touch with other social media so I won’t bother saying good-bye. πŸ™‚


    • Michelle November 23, 2014 / 6:39 pm

      I think life gets busier as we get older regardless of circumstances. I feel like there used to be more time.


    • Michelle November 23, 2014 / 6:39 pm

      Thanks. πŸ™‚


  8. Ti December 1, 2014 / 2:08 pm

    This is the time of year where most people redirect their attention to other things of importance like family and friends and just spending time together. That is how it should be. I have stuff to write up by the end of the year but I am not pushing myself to do it. I can do it later and even back date it if I need to. Fancy, huh? LOL.

    We’ll catch you after the new year.


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