The Sunday Salon [11.20.11]

The Sunday

Good morning, all. It is Sunday once again and I have nothing to show for my week reading-wise. But at least you all know why now. I do plan on attempting to finish Shatter Me today as I have now been reading it for over two weeks.

I am also hoping to get some reading done over Thanksgiving. My dad and his girlfriend will be staying with us for a week so this might not happen but I will try. Once again, I will be lazily participating in the Thankfully Reading Weekend. For more information, click here. So if you see the #thankfullyreading hashtag show up, that’s why.

I’m not usually a big readalong participant. I tend not to finish the book as soon as I sign up for one. But when I saw that Erin Blakemore, author of The Heroine’s Bookshelf, was hosting a readalong for Their Eyes Are Watching God, I couldn’t resist. I read this book in high school so a rereading is definitely due. This time, I am going to try the audio edition (which I think will be fantastic with all of the dialect in the book).

Are you participating in either of these events? Or is there something else coming up in the bookish world you are excited about?


3 thoughts on “The Sunday Salon [11.20.11]

  1. zibilee November 20, 2011 / 1:29 pm

    I am not participating in any events, and had been hoping to read a Thanksgiving themed book, but that might not end up happening this year. I never give myself enough time for all the things I want to do, and then I get mad at myself! I hope that you have a great week, and that you eat enough Turkey for two! If I don’t hear from you before Thanksgiving, I hope you have a very amazing and rich time with your family!


  2. Sandy November 20, 2011 / 4:44 pm

    Alright, now the comments are working! Hope you have a wonderful, restful, not sickish Thanksgiving. I’m not participating in any official readalongs or events but I did SO love Eyes on audio. Phenomenal narrating.


  3. Michelle November 23, 2011 / 5:08 pm

    I’m not officially participating in Thankfully Reading but I hope to get some pages in to be sure. Hope you enjoy getting some in yourself.


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