Useful Baby Prep Books: Baby Bargains Review

I have decided to share with you just a few of the most-helpful baby prep books I’ve read/browsed in the last few months. There won’t be very many posts on this topic, so bear with me if you have no interest at all. However, I think noting which books have been helpful (and possibly, which ones were not) could be helpful to others out there.

I am going to start with the book that helped me tackle the overwhelming baby registry processes. When I first started to think about registering, I had no clue where to start. The stores will lead you to believe you need 1800 receiving blankets and things like diaper stackers that even I know aren’t necessary, so you can’t only use their lists. Friends are helpful to an extent, but everyone likes different products. The internet has the same problem.

My boss recommended Baby Bargains to me. He sold it to me as a good guide for which products you should spend money on versus the products where you can save by getting a less expensive version. However, while I did find it was helpful for that, I ended up using it to research the safety and utility of the various products. It was nice to have one source to go to when I wanted to research. And this book makes it easy by “grading” the manufacturers. When I was picking out a crib or a stroller or a pack and play, I could quickly differentiate the “A” products from the “F” products.

When I was at Babies R Us one day, a woman – clutching her own copy of Baby Bargains – told me the book was amazing. I pulled mine out from my purse and we had a little laugh.

If you are looking for a good source on the quality of the MANY baby products out there or if you are looking for ways to save money, I highly recommend Baby Bargains.

(Of course, I haven’t actually used any of the products recommended by this book yet, so keep that in mind).

4 thoughts on “Useful Baby Prep Books: Baby Bargains Review

  1. zibilee April 16, 2012 / 9:50 am

    I actually saw a copy of What to Expect when You are Expecting, and another book that deals with the first 5 years of your child’s life on the library sale table the other day. I didn’t get them, but was wondering if maybe I should get them for you. Then I figured you already had them. Let me know if you don’t, as I have to make a quick trip to the library today, and I can pick them up for you!


    • Michelle April 17, 2012 / 11:07 am

      Thanks for thinking of me, but I pretty much own All The Books already. Lol.


  2. Stephanie April 16, 2012 / 9:57 am

    This sounds like a good resource! Registering can be daunting, although I had a lot of fun with it too. I mostly turned to some blogs and my best friend for guidelines on what to register for.


  3. Jennie April 16, 2012 / 3:48 pm

    As the mom of an almost 3 year old I can say that this book is awesome! I was so happy with the recommendations we got from these pages.


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