The Sunday Salon [9.13.15]

It’s about time for me to check in here and give a quick update and promise to be back someday, right?

Well, no promises of being back are going to be found in this post. I am back to work in a few days and I think I’ll be lucky to find time to brush my teeth, let alone blog. But we’ll see.

So…yeah. Back to work. Can you believe it? I blinked and 12 weeks went by. Kai is an awesome little baby. He rarely cries, he smiles and coos whenever he is awake, and he sleeps from 10-7 with only one wakeup in between most nights. I’m not ready to leave him, but I’ve grown accustomed to food and shelter, so back to work I go (I actually like the work I do, I just wish I could do it AND be with Kai – have it all, right?). 

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I didn’t read as much during this maternity leave. There was a three-year-old to parent and netflix to watch, so the books took a backseat. Since I last talked about what I was reading in August, I finished Everything Leads to You and A Dangerous Place. I also finished The Woman Who Died a Lot and Landline. Maybe I’ll post my thoughts on them someday. I am currently reading Belzhar and pondering my next audio (maybe the new Judy Blume?).

I am off to watch Evan play soccer this morning. I hope you all have a lovely day. 

Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset

PS – Excuse the large images. This is the smallest I can get them. If anyone would like to let me in on resizing images in WordPress. I’ve been lost since an update changed things awhile back.

The Sunday

One thought on “The Sunday Salon [9.13.15]

  1. Trish September 13, 2015 / 11:15 am

    I actually prefer larger images on blogs (but not so large that I have to scroll (looking at you food bloggers)), so these look perfect to me. Plus cute boys. 🙂 But, if you click the little edit button that appears when you hover over a picture in editor (it’s the one that looks like a pencil, I think), you can change the dimensions of the pictures–either permanently or just for the post. Though you should also be able to do this in your media library, but I think that option will only let you permanently change the size (so takes away the “click to enlarge” option). Does any of this make sense??

    Anyway, best wishes on going back to work. Kai sounds like such a sweet baby and brings back memories of how I felt leaving Evie. And remember…one day…one day two will be easier. 😉


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