Finished: I Capture the Castle / Currently Reading: Kavalier and Clay

I Capture the Castle

I finished I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith today. I loved it.

But as I sit here, I can’t figure out how to explain exactly why I loved it. It had elements of my favorite 19th century novels in it but at the same time had the elements of early 20th century writing that I adore. Cassandra was sort of a combination of the best heroines fiction has to offer but still reminded me so much of myself. Some of her theories, like that imagining something prevents it from ever coming true, are the same ones that I came up with when I was younger.  I also love that she sticks to her idea that books with happily ever afters make you never think about the characters again and applies it to her own story.  I put the book down, but it took me awhile to leave her world.

Cassandra is interesting because while she is 17, she acts much younger and has the intelligence of someone much older.  And all of the other characters are just so interesting and different.  Not to mention the sort of epic-ness that the castle setting gives her story.  I think I’ll have to think about this story a bit more before I fully understand my feelings toward it.

I am now reading The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay by Michael Chabon.  It has been on my TBR list forever and I believe I received it as a gift last Christmas so it is about time.  The length is a bit daunting, but hey, I’m unemployed so I figure now is the perfect opportunity to attack a long book.  🙂  Because who knows what crazy job I’ll get next and how much I’ll be able to read then.

BTW, my road trip is ending and Ben and I are driving back to Florida in the morning.  🙂

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One thought on “Finished: I Capture the Castle / Currently Reading: Kavalier and Clay

  1. Kristie November 29, 2008 / 9:08 am

    I have I Capture the Castle. I bought it a few months ago and saw the movie, but I haven't read it yet. I really want to though. Especially after your review of it :o)
    Hope you had a good Thanksgiving! And that's cool that you drove through my city :o)


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