The Series I am Dying to Read, or What Michelle Would Do If She Had MORE TIME

I feel hopelessly behind on reading all of the wonderful series out there. Some of these have been on my TBR list for YEARS. I even own the first of all but one of these (and sometimes I own the whole series). If I had all the time in the world, these are the series I would finally sit down and read.

(1) Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare

(2) Vampire Academy by Richellel Mead

Note: I have heard from many others that this is the best vampire YA series out there. I know a lot of you are groaning at the thought of more vampires in YA lit but I still love em. And I know Michelle will back me up.

(3) The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan

(4) If I Stay by Gayle Forman

(5) Chaos Walking by Patrick Ness

(6) Uglies by Scott Westerfeld

(7) The Immortals by Alyson Noel

(8) Luxe by Anna Godberson

What series are you dying to read? Which one of these should I start with?


Michelle at Galleysmith is hosting Seriespalooza this week – a week dedicated to finishing the series we’re in the middle of or starting new series we’ve been meaning to get to.  Here is what she has to say about it:

One of my very favorite things about reading is reading books in a series.  I adore getting to know characters and watching as they progress from point A to point Z over time.  But, if you are anything like me, as much as you’d like to read all the books in a particular series you also run into other obligations or constraints.Well, I’m here to tell you that now there’s going to be a time to dedicate yourself, and your reading habits, *only* to the books in a series (or multiple series).

For the week starting December 14  through December 20 I’ll be holding Seriespalooza, where participants will read only books in a series they are either currently reading or are wanting to start.  It’s a relaxed affair where you can read at your leisure so there isn’t any pressure. It’s just a great excuse to dip into the pile of books you want to read instead of those you may have scheduled to read as a result of other obligations.

As part of the fun, over the course of the week I’ll be posting exclusively about series books and authors.   Not only that but you can follow all the fun using the Twitter hashtag #seriespalooza. Oh and because no party is complete without presents I’ll also be dipping into my bag of tricks to award prizes for people who are participating!

So as soon as I finish Hate List today (a book recommended by Michelle actually), I will begin The Sweet Far Thing by Libba Bray. It’s been bothering me that I never finished this series. I didn’t love the first two books as much as everyone else, but I do want to see what happens. This week is giving me the push I needed to finally read the third and final book.  As it’s 800+ pages, I don’t think I’ll be getting to anything else during the week but I’ll keep you updated if I do.