Three Little Reviews: The Cuckoo’s Calling, Astray, and Inferno

I still have three unreviewed books from last year that have been lingering in my “drafts” section. As it is nearly June, I think it’s best to say a few sentences about each and move on.

The Cuckoo’s Calling

I was not a big fan of JK Rowling’s first post-Harry Potter novel, so when the world found out she’d secretly written a second, I didn’t jump up and down with joy. My book club ended up reading this one, so I picked up the audio. It’s the not the type of book I would usually read, but I ended up enjoying this one. I still want more Harry Potter, but Detective Strike wasn’t a bad companion.


Jen at Devourer of Books recommended this to me and I always sometimes listen to her. I read it more recently than The Cuckoo’s Calling, but it feels like I read it ages ago and I only have a lingering memory of this one. It was sad. Heartbreaking, really. But good. Emma Donoghue is for real.


Oh, Dan Brown. While I have read many of his books, I skipped his last one and had no intention of reading Inferno. But this was another book club pick. It was set, in part, in Florence and Venice, which I visited a few years ago, so that made it fun. I’ve grown a little tired of the Dan Brown formula, but his books can still mostly entertain.


And now I feel better having that crossed off my to do list.

5 thoughts on “Three Little Reviews: The Cuckoo’s Calling, Astray, and Inferno

  1. Sandy May 19, 2014 / 5:28 pm

    I really liked Cuckoo. Not exactly hard to figure out the mystery, but I loved the characters and really look forward to future installments. Great narrator too. And I’m over Dan Brown. I know that some people live and die by him, but it always feels so…Scooby Doo to me.


  2. Heather May 19, 2014 / 5:46 pm

    I’m about to read Cuckoo and am super excited about it, because I did really like The Casual Vacancy. Rowling can WRITE. I liked Astray when I read it quite a while back, but it didn’t wow me like Room did.


  3. Anita May 19, 2014 / 11:16 pm

    I have a lot of those kinds of drafts in my post folder too. Sometimes I just give up because it’s been so long and I can’t remember a dang detail about the book!! EEEk!


  4. Trish May 20, 2014 / 4:43 pm

    Oh yes, the joys of book club books and reading things that we wouldn’t normally read. Sometimes this can be a win…but not every time. Glad you found them entertaining at least. I haven’t read the latest Dan Brown books but Scott enjoys them.


  5. Lindsey May 20, 2014 / 5:09 pm

    I’m glad that The Cuckoo’s Calling was a good read for you. I picked up The Casual Vacancy this week since it was only $1 at our library book sale. That, of course, doesn’t mean I will actually be reading it any time soon…


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