Audiobook listeners: Do you take breaks?

I finished my audiobook on Wednesday morning. While I have my next one loaded on my iphone, I haven’t actually started it yet. Instead I’ve been listening to NPR and music for the last two days.

And it’s kind of been nice.

Do you ever take a break from audiobooks? Or do you always start another immediately after finishing one?

12 thoughts on “Audiobook listeners: Do you take breaks?

  1. Sandy August 5, 2011 / 9:23 am

    I almost never take a break. I am that insane. Once in a very great while, I will have an urge to listen to one or two artists, then I get back at it. It is compulsive.


  2. Jennifer-Girls Gone Reading August 5, 2011 / 9:45 am

    I take breaks all the time. I take breaks in the middle of audio books. I take breaks between books. The breaks are never long, but sometimes I want to listen to NPR or music instead of books.


  3. Jen - Devourer of Books August 5, 2011 / 12:25 pm

    I will often take a short break between audiobooks to catch up on a couple of podcasts and give myself some mental space between the books, but it depends on the circumstances. If I finish an audiobook in the morning, I’ll likely put on a podcast for the way home, similarly if I finish Friday-Sunday I’ll usually go to podcast, because I tend to listen less over the weekend. If I finish on a weeknight, though, chances are good I’ll just go ahead and start the next audiobook in the morning.


  4. Teresa August 5, 2011 / 12:46 pm

    I take a break anytime I’m not in the mood for an audio book. This is usually when I’m involved in a task where I want the background noise, but cannot concentrate on a story.


  5. Ti August 5, 2011 / 1:00 pm

    I find that listening to an audiobook works a part of my brain that I typically do not use during the day, so once I finish one, I usually plunge right into the next one.


  6. Melissa August 5, 2011 / 1:58 pm

    I tend to go straight from one to another. I feel a bit lost if I’m not in the middle of one.


  7. Cori August 5, 2011 / 2:31 pm

    I do almost exactly what you do — a bit of NPR and music in between books. Sometimes, depending on life circumstances (i.e. I can’t seem to concentrate ont he book due to something I’m thinking about), then I’ll listen to music. Earlier this month, I planned poorly and didn’t have an audio book for four days. I about went nuts. Too long!


  8. zibilee August 5, 2011 / 2:51 pm

    I have a weird relationship with audiobooks. I try to always have one going, but the actual listening happens very rarely. I always say that I am going to make time for them, but I have a hard time doing that. I much prefer my reading done in print, but I still keep trying. I think I have about 3 or 4 audiobooks that I have given up on, which is kind of embarrassing to me!


  9. Emma @ Words And Peace August 5, 2011 / 5:08 pm

    I never take a break, I’m really getting more and more addicted. I always have a bunch of books going on, and one of them is always an audio. As I download them from my library, where there’s always some wait, I organize myself to always have one downloaded for when I’m done with one.
    The last one I listened to and reviewed was Bel Canto, by Ann Patchett:
    Right now I’m listening to Wolf Hall. And on my queue ready to go after that: Cleopatra and Blizzard.
    Emma @ Words And Peace


  10. Chrisbookarama August 6, 2011 / 8:20 am

    I do take breaks, usually because I’m waiting on something from the library. But, you know, I don’t mind it. I like listening to music or podcasts. It’s a nice break.


  11. Michelle August 7, 2011 / 10:10 pm

    I take breaks ALL the time (even in the middle of audiobooks)! There are some times I just really want to listen to music. I try to find a good balance between the two.


  12. Kristie August 10, 2011 / 8:18 pm

    I usually take a day between my audiobooks. I only listen to them when I’m driving to/from work, so if I finish one, I start the next one the next day. I’ve actually been listening to a lot of audiobooks these days, I feel. And they’re not all really short books. If I still had free satellite radio, I might listen to some music while driving. I just really hate talk radio, especially in the morning. Plus I listen to music when I go to sleep, so I feel like I get a balance that way.


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