The Sunday Salon [1.25.15]

I didn’t mean to come back from a break and then immediately go another. Whoops. 2015 does not seem to be any less busy than 2014 so far, so we’ll see how this blogging thing goes. Does life just get busier and busier and busier? It seems like it.

Anyway, I finished my first and second books of  2015. Betsy and the Great World in print and Her Fearful Symmetry on audio. I started Grasshopper Jungle in print but there is no way I can finish it before my book club meeting tomorrow night so I think I may put it down in favor of something I’ve picked out on my own. Brutal Youth perhaps? Or the one review copy I have laying around from when I still thought requesting books was a good idea? I am debating my next audio. Her Fearful Symmetry took me ages (well, months, at least) to get through so I want to make sure I choose wisely.

I’ve got a lazy day at home, after a fun/busy day not at home yesterday, so I might be able to read a few lines. On Wednesday I am heading to Tallahassee sans famille for a meeting for a few days. Perhaps I can get some reading done then.

What are you all reading?


The Sunday

6 thoughts on “The Sunday Salon [1.25.15]

  1. Heather January 25, 2015 / 9:12 am

    I read Her Fearful Symmetry years ago and really liked it, but I’m not sure how well it would translate to audio. I’ve heard the audio of Yes Please by Amy Poehler is amazing – that might be a good choice for your next one.


    • Michelle January 25, 2015 / 9:59 am

      It was fine on audio but I felt like it didn’t get interesting until the last quarter, so I never felt like listening. I actually paused it for awhile to listen to Yes, Please already. 🙂


  2. Trish January 25, 2015 / 10:30 am

    I’m listening to Sister Carrie, which I wouldn’t recommend, but I did just finish No Land’s Man by Aasif Mandvi on audio and really enjoyed it. Plus it’s only like 4 hours. But certainly not suitable for little ears!

    And yes, busier and busier. Although now with two I can let them entertain each other a bit more, which is nice.


  3. Sandy January 25, 2015 / 11:50 am

    I read Her Fearful Symmetry (before TTTW so I had no expectations) and really liked it in print. You never know with audio. It can take the book to another level, or not. I’m listening to “A Man Called Ove” right now and it is cute and easy listening. Which is what I need since I have no focus.


  4. Kailana January 25, 2015 / 6:51 pm

    I actually have finished two audiobooks so far this month. So proud of myself! I got very very slack with everything last year… Last year I blogged until about March regularly and then stopped for the rest of the year essentially, so I am not sure how this year will go. I have been aiming for one post a week and so far mostly done that…


  5. Anita January 26, 2015 / 12:52 pm

    I’ll be honest I don’t remember reading much at all when my kids were little and I worked full time. Life was just BUSY. I’m listening to Five Days at Memorial, Sandy loved it and it’s very compelling. I’m reading Mike Greenberg’s new book, My Father’s Wives, it’s well done and holding my attention, I have so many books, it’s insane.
    Enjoy your time away, it’s always a double edged sword, need to be away for work, difficult to be away.


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