New York Recap: Days 4 & 5 (The Rest of the City)

The time is here to give you my final New York Recap. You can find the two previous posts here and here.

We slept in on  Sunday and I think that was a very good decision. We started the day at the Bagel Smashery in Hoboken. We got our bagels to go and brought them with us to the Brooklyn Bridge. We joined the crowds walking across the bridge and when we got to the middle we ate our breakfast. It was a little strange sitting and eating above the speeding traffic but we had a good time.

Ben and Me
Emily and Me

After the Brooklyn Bridge, we went over to 5th Avenue for a little shopping. We started at the Apple Store and FAO Schwartz  and when we got there, we saw that there was a movie being filmed. After a brief investigation we discovered it was the Smurfs movie. Emily looked up who was in the movie and found out NEIL PATRICK HARRIS is one of the stars. We looked high and low but couldn’t find him. We did get to see Jayma Mays (Emma from Glee) before we went into the stores but we were a bit disappointed.

And then, when we emerged from FAO Schwartz, there he was. Neil Patrick Harris. My life was now complete.

Jayma Mays

Neil Patrick Harris

Next we went to The Plaza Hotel, Tiffany’s, Rockafeller Center, and Nintendo World, among others (these are just the places that are on my foursquare list).

Ben with Mario

We took a little break at Grand Central Station and then proceeded to Bryant Park and Washington Square Park.

We spent the evening having dinner at La Lanterna and singing at Karaoke One 7.

Day 5

Monday saw our last day in the city. After packing all of our things (and by things I mean books), we headed to Central Park to have lunch. My friend, Nicole, and her boyfriend, Ben, met us there and we had a nice picnic. Nicole and I have been friends since 7th grade – we went to middle school, high school, and college together and she graciously gave me a place to live when I was in San Francisco. She currently lives in Ithaca and we rarely get to see each other, so being in the same place at the same time was a real treat.

After lunch, we went to the Natural History museum where Ben was amazed at the size of the blue whale. This isn’t a great picture of the whale but I had to share it anyway:

It's Huge!

Then we went back to Hoboken, gathered our things, and headed home.

Overall, I had a fantastic trip. In fact, I kind of want to live there. That’s how much fun I had in New York City.

Hope you enjoyed the recaps. We will now return to our regularly scheduled programming.

5 thoughts on “New York Recap: Days 4 & 5 (The Rest of the City)

  1. Jenny June 12, 2010 / 9:47 am

    I really want to live there too!!! I just know it’s not realistic ONLY b/c my family is here and I just can’t see not living close to them, but that’s the only reason!


  2. Vishy June 12, 2010 / 11:08 am

    It was wonderful reading about your New York adventures! Glad to know that you had a nice time! The pictures are lovely too. Ben looks cool with the French beard 🙂


    • Michelle June 12, 2010 / 11:10 am

      Lol. I’ve never heard the term “French beard.” Really it’s just him being to lazy to shave. 🙂


      • Vishy June 12, 2010 / 11:17 am

        Seriously you have never heard the term ‘French beard’? 🙂

        Well, in the first picture where you and Ben are standing on Brooklyn bridge, it does look like he has sculpted his ‘French beard’ 🙂


  3. JaymaFan June 27, 2010 / 2:34 am

    hi! i found your post from google, but i just wanted to say i was there too!! too bad i didn’t stick around long enough to see NPH, but thats okay. 🙂 i love and miss nyc already… 😦


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