Hello October. Hello Old Books.

October is here. Which means that from now through the end of the year, I will be reading only my own books.* No review copies. No library books. Just the ones that have been hanging out on my own shelves for awhile, patiently waiting for me to read them. Of course, I will still only manage to get through a small portion of my unread books, but I am really looking forward to this “break.”

So what am I going to read? Well, that’s a good question. I have some ideas – pictured below – but I’d really like to just wander through our shelves and find whatever I am in the mood for. No planning.


Jen at Devourer of Books is joining me in November, but she’s focusing on ebooks since that’s where her biggest backlog is. And Anita from A Woman, A Wife, A Mom expressed interest in joining me in November as well. This isn’t a formal challenge at all, but I’ll happily welcome anyone who wants to play along. I did make myself a little button (because buttons are fun) and I am going to use the hashtag #RMOB.

I am going to start with City of Bones. Wish me luck!

*I speak only of my print books. I am free to read library and review audio- or e-books, since my tbr in those formats is not nearly as frightening. But I may make a point to read older copies of those as well.

11 thoughts on “Hello October. Hello Old Books.

  1. NancyQuinn October 1, 2012 / 7:55 am

    Oh, good for you. This would be a tough task for me to do in October since there are so many new books coming out. Maybe I will mark February next year to do this.

    But looks like you have lots of great reads, so it should be a great book month. I still have Book Thief to read too.

    Good luck – I’ll be following you!


  2. Estelle / Rather Be Reading October 1, 2012 / 9:59 am

    That Betsy book is a favorite of mine. I had a great time reading it. 🙂 Hope you do too. I like what you are doing here, and plan on doing the same into the new year. 🙂

    Good luck!!


  3. Anita October 1, 2012 / 11:05 am

    I am going to join you in November, I’m clearing my calendar, and looking forward to reading some of my own books….I’m trying to begin with those that have been on my TBR list and my shelves the longest!! Good luck!


  4. zibilee October 1, 2012 / 11:51 am

    Good Luck with this! I think I will be joining you as well, as I am trying to knock down those TBR shelves, and need to get some books read that I can choose for myself!


  5. Kyle @ A Reader's Pensieve October 1, 2012 / 5:27 pm

    I shouuuuuld do something like this, but I fear I would fail epically and give in to my kryptonite…the library. Coincidentally I have City of Bones and need to read it too, so I hope you like it!


  6. SuziQoregon October 1, 2012 / 5:31 pm

    I’m down to only 2 review books on my TBR list. I’ve drastically reduced them over the past few months. Partly because I already have eleventy billion books on my shelves, ereader, and the library wishlist that I still want to read, and partly because I’m tired of posting about the same books everyone else is posting about in any given month. I’m going to keep review books to a minimum for the forseeable future because it also takes any deadline pressure out of my reading.

    I don’t exclude Library books because I use it so extensively to control the book budget. About half of the books I read come from the library. I typically only buy books that I think both The Hubster and I will read or that I will pass along to my sister-in-law.

    Looks like you’ve got some good cnoices on your stack – have fun!


  7. Jennifer October 1, 2012 / 10:14 pm

    What a GREAT idea! I’ve decided to finish up my current challenges and then STOP doing them for a while, in an effort to control my tbr piles 🙂


  8. Amy October 2, 2012 / 7:49 pm

    I’m so on the fence about this. It’s something I’ve been wanting to do for awhile, but I rarely buy books, so the ones I’m really interested in RIGHT NOW I just don’t have. Soooooo I still don’t know. I’m so indecisive. I look forward to seeing your progress, though!


  9. Kristi October 3, 2012 / 11:13 am

    I was just thinking the same thing. I keep acquiring new books for my personal shelves, but I’m mostly reading library books. As I’m moving in the next year, I’d love to read some of my books to find any that I don’t plan to read again so I can find them a new home.

    I’d love to join you. I’m doing a few readalongs and still have a few library books checked out so I’ll start in November. Like you, I’ll continue to listen to audiobooks from other sources because I don’t seem to keep acquiring those like the paper ones!


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