The Sunday Salon [11.11.12]

The Sunday

I now have two books in the Finished Pile!

Finished Pile

It may only be two books out of hundreds on my shelves, but it’s still two books. The reading is going slow, but I am actually really enjoying this Read My Own Books project so far. The absence of any pressure to read anything else – whether review books or library books – is refreshing. It feels a lot like my pre-blogging days.

I am currently reading The Book Thief, which has been on my own bookshelf for YEARS. And although it’s been high on my TBR for just as long, I’ve never managed to squeeze it in the lineup. This is the great part about this project.

What book has been lingering on your bookshelf the longest?

The Sunday Salon [10.28.12]

The Sunday

Busy Sunday for me.

This morning we are heading to Phillipe Park to get our first family portraits done. Hopefully the crazy wind has died down a little bit and the sun decides to make an appearance. But at least Evan will be cute no matter what.

Later today I have my book club meeting. For Halloween, we read We Have Always Lived in the Castle (a reread for me), The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, and Stephen King’s The Mist (which, as of Saturday night, I still have not read).

So how am I doing on my challenges?

Reading My Own Books

Yep, still reading City of Bones. BUT, I am actually making some progress and hope to finish it by the end of the month. I have really got to figure out when to read.

Last week, I shared  Amy’s RMOB post here, and this week Hilary from Adventures in Never Never Land posted about how she is going to join in the fun and read her own books for the rest of the year as well. Some others are starting in November. Let me know if you’re one of them.

Pin It and Do It

I made some snickerdoodles. But I hadn’t pinned any snickerdoodles. So, um, yeah, still failing this one.


The Sunday Salon [10.14.12]

The Sunday

Evan’s grandparents are in town this weekend, so we are out having fun instead of reading. Yesterday we went to the zoo to show Evan all of the animals that are way cooler than Gatsby and Daisy. He really enjoyed the fish and the penguins. We ended up purchasing an annual pass, so we’ll be back.

After we put Evan to bed last night, Ben and I went out for a drink and a movie – our first date night since the baby (unless you count the wedding we went to). We saw Perks of Being a Wallflower and it was SO GOOD. The book is amazing and the movie really does it justice.

Reading My Own Books

It’s October 14th and I am still on my first book. I am reading City of Bones and, although I am only 100 pages in, I am enjoying it a lot. If only I could find some time to read.

Pin It and Do It

I am going to have a busy end of the month, I suppose, since I still haven’t really done any of these pins. There is so much baking I want to do and so little baking I am actually doing.

October always seems like a really busy month for me. The Readathon (which I didn’t participate in) is the only reason I ever keep up with reading.

We are off to the Pumpkin Patch today and then taking Evan swimming for the first time. Have a wonderful Sunday.


The Sunday Salon [10.7.12]

The Sunday

I thought I was going to be spending my weekend prepping for a trial tomorrow but it went away (as trials often do) so I am enjoying a nice relaxing weekend home with the boys. We did a few things around the house yesterday, so I am hoping today is a real day off. Evan has a little cold, but nothing really phases my happy little baby. Next weekend will be busy. While you all are readathon-ing, we’ll be spending some time with Ben’s parents. As fun as that will be, I could definitely use a relaxing day (and maybe a nap or two).

Reading My Own Books

I am a complete failure at Reading My Own Books so far. I actually had one last book from September to finish up and I only just finished it last night. I’m a little cheater. Even when I make the rules. But I’m really starting today with City of Bones. I swear.

Pin It and Do It

I thought I completed a pin. But it turns out I never pinned anything like this. But I think I have permission from Trish to count this anyway. See, I cheat no matter who makes the rules. So I give you my mason jar cotton swab holders:

I put a set in each bathroom. This was a super simple project – it took me about 5 minutes and $6 to do, but it makes me happy to see them. I love playing house.

Tell me, are you a rule-follower or a cheater like me when it comes to these things?


Hello October. Hello Old Books.

October is here. Which means that from now through the end of the year, I will be reading only my own books.* No review copies. No library books. Just the ones that have been hanging out on my own shelves for awhile, patiently waiting for me to read them. Of course, I will still only manage to get through a small portion of my unread books, but I am really looking forward to this “break.”

So what am I going to read? Well, that’s a good question. I have some ideas – pictured below – but I’d really like to just wander through our shelves and find whatever I am in the mood for. No planning.


Jen at Devourer of Books is joining me in November, but she’s focusing on ebooks since that’s where her biggest backlog is. And Anita from A Woman, A Wife, A Mom expressed interest in joining me in November as well. This isn’t a formal challenge at all, but I’ll happily welcome anyone who wants to play along. I did make myself a little button (because buttons are fun) and I am going to use the hashtag #RMOB.

I am going to start with City of Bones. Wish me luck!

*I speak only of my print books. I am free to read library and review audio- or e-books, since my tbr in those formats is not nearly as frightening. But I may make a point to read older copies of those as well.