The Sunday Salon [10.7.12]

The Sunday

I thought I was going to be spending my weekend prepping for a trial tomorrow but it went away (as trials often do) so I am enjoying a nice relaxing weekend home with the boys. We did a few things around the house yesterday, so I am hoping today is a real day off. Evan has a little cold, but nothing really phases my happy little baby. Next weekend will be busy. While you all are readathon-ing, we’ll be spending some time with Ben’s parents. As fun as that will be, I could definitely use a relaxing day (and maybe a nap or two).

Reading My Own Books

I am a complete failure at Reading My Own Books so far. I actually had one last book from September to finish up and I only just finished it last night. I’m a little cheater. Even when I make the rules. But I’m really starting today with City of Bones. I swear.

Pin It and Do It

I thought I completed a pin. But it turns out I never pinned anything like this. But I think I have permission from Trish to count this anyway. See, I cheat no matter who makes the rules. So I give you my mason jar cotton swab holders:

I put a set in each bathroom. This was a super simple project – it took me about 5 minutes and $6 to do, but it makes me happy to see them. I love playing house.

Tell me, are you a rule-follower or a cheater like me when it comes to these things?


6 thoughts on “The Sunday Salon [10.7.12]

  1. Jen - Devourer of Books October 7, 2012 / 7:31 am

    I vacillate between the two. I can be a bit of a cheat, but other times I’m a COMPULSIVE rules follower.


  2. Megan October 7, 2012 / 9:14 am

    I’m a total cheater. I’ll even cheat on Readathon day by reading a book I am thisclose to finishing so it looks like I read a whole long, serious book in the first hour. 😉


  3. Sandy October 7, 2012 / 10:06 am

    A couple of years ago, I pledged to read my own books. And I do generally, but they sort of seem to multiply, so I don’t ever seem to make headway. And by nature, I am a rule-follower. Always have been. But with blogging, I figure nobody is going to fire me or ban me from the Internet, so I tend to do things my own way, and just make sure I can live with myself. Readathons for me usually are “squeeze in an extra hour or two that I normally would not”, as there is never (ever) a weekend where I can just hide.


  4. Linda October 7, 2012 / 3:35 pm

    That’s so not a cheat. If it’s something you’d pinned, I say it counts. I tend to cheat though. I counted my failed pins the last Pin It and Do it Challenge.


  5. Jennifer October 7, 2012 / 8:39 pm

    Cute and inexpensive, that is my kind of diy 😉


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