The Sunday Salon [1.4.15]

Let’s talk about resolutions. I made a bunch last year. I kept some of them, I broke some of them, and I half did some of them.

I counted calories until I fit back into my skinny jeans. I drank more water, but I could always do better. I fell off the wagon with respect to diet coke. I seem to do better with allowing myself one once in awhile. I ran my first 10k, but I was awful about getting to yoga. I am not debt free but I am definitely on a much better plan toward getting there than I was a year ago (we paid off nearly half of our consumer debt between August and December). And I am really terrible at photo-a-day prompts.

This year, I have less lofty goals.

I’d just like to have a healthy pregnancy and welcome home a new baby. I’d like a natural, out-of-hospital birth and I’d like to exclusively breastfeed again (with a little more ease than last time, hopefully).

I want to keep working the debt free plan, but I recognize that the new baby (with his delivery and daycare costs) makes it more likely that 2016 is the year we hit our first goal of knocking out all of the non-student loan/non-mortgage debt. But as long as those credit cards stay locked up, I’m happy.

I want to eat healthy and exercise, but with a baby coming mid-year, I have no actual goals for these.

I want to read again and get back into the blogging world. I miss you guys.

And, finally, I want to be more present. I want to put my phone away more and step back from behind the camera once in awhile. When I’m with my family, I want to be fully with them. When I’m at work, I want to be fully at work. I’ll make time for wasting time, but I want to do it more consciously – does that make sense?

So that’s all I have for 2015. I know it will be a year of joy and love and sleepless nights. And I’m ready for it.

The Sunday

The Sunday Salon: October in Review [11.2.14]

In October, I read:

  • All Fall Down by Jennifer Weiner
  • A Briefer History of Time by Stephen Hawking
  • Runaways Vol. 4: True Believers
  • Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake

At the moment, I am reading Rooms by Lauren Oliver and listening to Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffenegger.

This month I reviewed Girls in White Dresses; shared how and why I am getting out of debt; where books have made me want to visit; and shared photos from the pumpkin patch.

How was your October?

The Sunday

The Sunday Salon [10.26.14]

I am back after an involuntary blogging leave caused by my amazing ability of killing every macbook charger that finds its way into my life. Of course, I go missing all of the time, so maybe you didn’t notice.

Life, of course, goes on even when computers do not. Yesterday, we went to the Festival of Reading, saw RL Stine and Aasaf Mandvi, and wandered around St. Pete a bit. Today I am participating in a 4-hour Yogathon to benefit The Children’s Heart Foundation.

As for reading, it’s been a little slow-going. I just finished Anna Dressed in Blood and now I am reading Rooms and listening to Her Fearful Symmetry. Apparently I am embracing the ghost stories this October.

Anyway, I have nothing scheduled for this week, but hopefully I’ll pop in with a post or two.


The Sunday

The Sunday Salon: September in Review [10.12.14]

Seeing as it is October 12, it is probably time to quickly recap September. It was a busy month yet again, despite the absence of airports and hotels. I read a little, I blogged a little, I worked a lot, I parented a lot, I watched my college football team fall apart, and that’s about it.

I shared my favorite Gilmore Girls episodes; gave a one star review; shared a photo of Vanderbilt Beach; listed the books I am most looking forward to this fall; read and reviewed my first comic book; bloggiesta-d; hid Green Eggs and Ham; reviewed the last book in a recommended series; and shared another one of Evan’s current favorites.

I read these:

Time is just flying. Pretty sure Evan will be 16 next week.

The Sunday

The Sunday Salon [9.28.14]

After spending all day yesterday in sick toddler hell (13 hours of puking and a lethargic little boy who just kept saying, “I don’t want to be sick anymore”), I am ready for a peaceful Sunday.

The upside of staying home all day yesterday and having a child who just wanted to lie on the floor and stare into space was that I got quite a bit of reading done and I think I will finish One Plus One today. I finished American Gods on audio earlier this week, so this is a pretty successful reading week for me. I managed to post a bunch this last week. Can I keep the pace going?

Other than that, it was an uneventful week for me. I am looking forward to a visit to Michigan at the end of this week – we’re dropping E off with grandparents once we get there and taking a weekend for ourselves on Lake Michigan to go to a wedding. We have yet to both go away without E (we have only done so separately) and we are staying with some old friends that unexpectedly moved to the area. There are so many aspects of this trip that I am looking forward to.

I hope you all have a lovely Sunday.

The Sunday

TSS: June in Review

It’s hard to believe the year is half over and it’s time to wrap up June. Well, I’m a day early. But I won’t finish a book by tomorrow. So here I am.


YOU GUYS. I had my best reading month all year! I finished 5 books and it was amazing. I am sticking with YA for awhile to keep this up.

  • The One by Kiera Cass
  • Siren’s Song by Heather McCollum
  • This Side of Salvation by Jeri Smith-Ready
  • Hemingway’s Girl by Erika Roburn
  • The Golem and the Jinni by Helene Wicker

Look for those reviews soon…

I also reviewed:

And shared:


I am actually going for a run this morning. A real, legit run. I got injured in early April so it’s been nearly 3 months since I’ve gone on one. And I have suffered for it. But I’m excited to hit the pavement again. Despite the humidity and heat.

I tried to do that ab challenge in June that everyone was doing – and I made it much further than everyone else I knew – but I gave up around Day 22. It just got too hard. Thinking about doing a yoga challenge in July to stay active while I can’t actually get to the gym or dance class.


Evan is a handful. Ben left and he seems to be pretty terrified that I am also going to leave. Other than daycare (where he has always been comfortable with me dropping him off), he barely lets me leave the room. Ben’s sister is here this weekend helping me out (she was getting me ice cream as I typed this), which is great, we’re going to see Ben next weekend in Minnesota for a wedding (where I plan on promptly handing Evan over to someone and then running away), my mom will be here the weekend after that, then just one more weekend on my own before we head to New Mexico for Ben’s graduation. I can do that. Right?

The Sunday

The Sunday Salon [6.22.14]

Well, I had grand plans of blogging a lot this month. My goal was two book reviews a week. And then Ben went to New Mexico and I remembered how hard it is to be a full time mom and a full time lawyer and still feel like blogging at the end of the day.

I also haven’t taken out my camera in awhile. It’s hard to chase a 2-year-old and snap photos on anything but an iPhone.

But, as busy as life is at the moment, I have been reading a little bit more than usual. The key, apparently, is to read really compelling YA (and staying up past my bedtime). That might be all I read until E is in kindergarten.

I am catching up on my own shows while Ben is away: Doctor Who, Dance Academy, Grey’s Anatomy.

I also just got my orthotics from my podiatrist and have been given the green light to start running again. This is somewhat problematic, as it is a billion degrees out and I have no one to watch Evan unless I go to the gym (and the gym daycare isn’t always okay with Evan). But still exciting!

I am hosting my book club today. We’re discussing The Golem and the Jinny. And hoping that Evan isn’t really sick because I need to get to an important hearing on Monday. And counting down until Thursday when some reinforcements (my sister-in-law) fly in and save me.

What are you up to?

The Sunday

TSS: May In Review

It’s time to wrap up May!


Well, I thought I was having a good reading month, but when I looked back I had only read 3 books (two print and one audio).

Turns out, this is my new definition of a “good reading month.” I really did feel like I got a little of my reading mojo back. I stayed up late finishing We Were Liars one day. I looked forward to some alone time in the car to listen to Dreams of Gods and Monsters. And Raven Boys, though it started slow for me, turned into a real page-turner. So, I’m just going to stick with YA for awhile since that seems to be my current cup of tea.


I haven’t really gotten my blogging mojo back though, have I?

I reviewed Attachments and I tried to catch up on book reviews a little by doing three little reviews of The Cuckoo’s Calling, Astray, and Inferno. I am hoping to have at least one book review for you each week of June.


I’m itching to put my running shoes on but I know that as soon as I do, my foot pain will come back. But, it seems that all this rest has given it time to heal, so now I just have to be patient and wait for my custom orthotics to be made before I can hit the pavement again (and, by then, it will be far to hot to do so). I’ve accepted that this running season is over for me and I’ll hopefully get back at it in the fall.

I tried swimming and biking and found each to be quite the challenge. I’ve been skipping yoga (May was BUSY) but I will try to get back to a few classes when I can. Once Ben leaves on the 13th, I’m pretty limited in my opportunities to work out or dance (I’m pretty much stuck with the gym and only when the daycare is open).


I shared some more photos from our trip to DC (though I’m still not done editing them all – the problem with shooting in RAW is that every photo has to be edited). I sort of took a break from snapping photos this month, but I’m starting to feel the draw to the camera again.


Evan turned two! What a fun and challenging journey it has been so far. I can’t believe my little baby is now a little boy. I will hopefully blog about it in June (I am still waiting on some photos) but we had a very successful Mickey Mouse party for him.

The Sunday

TSS: March and April in Review

I never actually posted a March recap, so here is a combined March/April one. I also wasn’t very good at tracking my books so I may be missing one  (but probably not).

And I’m sure (ha!) that I will review them soon.

I am going to skip recapping all of my posts. There weren’t many – so you can scroll back just as easily as me.

The health kick I was in has hit a snag with my foot injury. I am slowly gaining back the weight I worked so hard to lose. I really need to start counting calories again to get myself back on track. And I really need to find a good cross-training exercise. I am going to try to go the Y today and get over my lap pool intimidation.

I’m still taking pictures but not quite as much. I think I’ve hit a bit of a plateau on the learning front.

Evan is as cute as ever. He’s talking up a storm and saying complete sentences (usually, “I want to watch Mickey”). I keep saying whatever stage he is in is my favorite but this one really is.

May brings Evan’s second birthday, a family-free trip to St. Louis for me, and hopefully a little more time to read.

The Sunday

The Sunday Salon [4.27.14]

So…who has a Readathon hangover?

Not me. I haven’t done a readathon since E was born, sadly. But I did sign up to be a cheerleader for the very first time. That was a lot more work than I anticipated. But I had fun discovering some new people (and sending out my first – and probably only – tweet in Danish). I hope you are all sleeping now.

I am not sleeping. I am on my way to Tallahassee with my Leadership Pinellas class. We’re spending a few days up there learning about the state government and meeting our elected officials. I’ve never hidden my true feelings on Florida politicians so this should be interesting.

I’ve been reading a little more the last few weeks. I finished Bill Bryson’s One Summer and Rainbow Rowell’s Attachments. I am currently reading Raven Boys and listening to Dreams of Gods and Monsters. I’m taking the YA approach a lot lately to get me out of this horrible reading slump that I’m constantly in.

I have nothing scheduled for the blog this week, but I have high hopes for May. May will contain book reviews and bookish talk again. I think.

The Sunday